Dispute Guides
November 27, 2023

Why More and More Businesses are Switching To Dispute.com

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Chargebacks start long before your customer checks out.

Chargebacks start long before your customer checks out. That’s why Dispute.com provides multiple pre-auth screening tools built to reduce costly alerts, chargebacks, and friendly fraud.

  • Block Fraudulent User - Stop fraudulent transactions long before they begin,by blocking abusive IPs & botnets. Our transaction screening helps block stolen cards and abusive customers.
  • Verify Customer Data - Up to 20% of your customers will accidentally submit wrong data. Verify this data to improve email delivery, product delivery, and descriptor mismatch.
  • Prevent Chargebacks - Our dashboard allows you to see what descriptors are enrolled for each merchant account you have. So you can verify complete dispute coverage.
  • Recover Lost Revenue - Recover revenue from problematic customers via automated Chargeback Recovery.